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Black Ice
Set in rural Donegal, Black Ice follows Jimmy Devlin, played by ‘Love/Hate’ star Killian Scott, and his complicated relationship with girlfriend Alice Watters, played by newcomer Jane McGrath in a debut role which secured her an IFTA nomination. The story, set in a clandestine road racing scene where Jimmy is considered “top dog” among the petrol heads, also follows his and Alice’s struggle to break into the legit professional rally scene, but there are other forces at work in this shadowy border world threatening to undermine their ambition. Black Ice received a wide release in Ireland on 13 prints, was one of the best Irish performers at the box office that year, before becoming a best seller on DVD and receiving repeated broadcasts on RTE.
“Film-maker Johnny Gogan has long – and commendably – sought to represent the cinematically disenfranchised. Black Ice, the Leitrim man’s latest work, is no different.”
— Tara Brady, Irish Times
“Black Ice is a well-shot, thoughtful-provoking drama featuring excellent performances from McGrath and the always reliable Scott, plus solid support from the likes of Donal O’Kelly and Marian Quinn.”
— RTE Guide Cinema Reviews
IFTA nominated in Best Actor category for Jane McGrath in the lead.